
St. Louis County Police Semi-Apologize for "How to Handle the Media" Flyer, Delete It From Their Website

KiTA9/22/2014 5:08:38 pm PDT

re: #115 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

So install Classic Shell. Bam, problem solved.

I’ve been running Win8 since the last day you could upgrade from Win7 for like $20. Its nice to have an OS I am absolutely in the clear about owning - my Win7Ultimate was a MSDN copy I inherited from Dell.

With Classic Shell there isn’t much UI difference from Win7, and you get a lot of quality of life improvements - like when copying files there is now a graph showing you how fast its going, and when doing multiple copies the windows merge into one, handling all that better.

But by far the most nifty thing is the support for reinstallation - it keeps a backup copy of the Windows folder so reinstalling takes like 5 minutes. Its sick.