
Wednesday Night Stunt Guitar: Joe Satriani w/ Marco Minneman and Bryan Beller - "Satch Boogie"

goddamnedfrank10/01/2014 10:33:23 pm PDT

re: #128 TedStriker

Hey, don’t be dissing our popcorn!


It makes me feel bad for Boy Scouts when I see their sad faces trying to sell that shit. For one thing, the prices are horrendous. For another, it’s microwave popcorn.

I realize that the Girl Scouts got to the cookies idea first and all, but there has to be some kind of better option for the Boys. Like make the kids go out, stalk and kill their own deer, dry, season and sell the meat as jerky. People would be talking about that shit everywhere if it went down. I don’t even like the Scouts as an org because of the bigotry, but if a bunch of blood stained kids were selling freshly killed wildlife jerky outside the local Albertson’s they’d certainly have my fucking attention.