
Good News From the Ebola Front: Nurse Amber Vinson Has Recovered Already

Ziggy_TARDIS10/22/2014 7:30:14 pm PDT

re: #106 klys

I found something alarming!

But there are wilder poly-peroxides out there. If you want to really oxidize the crap out of things with this compound, you will turn to the “peroxone process”. This is a combination of ozone and hydrogen peroxide, for those times when a single explosive oxidizing agent just won’t do. I’m already on record as not wanting to isolate any ozone products, so as you can imagine, I really don’t want to mess around with that and hydrogen peroxide at the same time. This brew generates substantial amounts of HOOOH, ozonide radicals, hydroxy radicals and all kinds of other hideous thingies, and the current thinking is that one of the intermediates is the HOOOOO- anion. Yep, five oxygens in a row - I did not type that with my elbows. You’ll want the peroxone process if you’re treated highly contaminated waste water or the like: here’s a look at using it for industrial remediation. One of the problems they had was that as they pumped ozone and peroxide into the contaminated site, the ozone kept seeping back up into the equipment trailer and setting off alarms as if the system were suddenly leaking, which must have been a lot of fun.