
Overnight Open Thread

Mattand3/31/2015 6:07:08 am PDT

Quick question about a recent comment on Mike Pence and Indiana bringing back Separate and Unequal.

I forget which Lizard brought this up, but it was a really great explanation of what a protected class of people is in the US. IIRC, a class deals with things like race, religion and sexuality. In the US, it is illegal to discriminate based on class.

For example, you cannot refuse someone service if they are gay, anymore than you can discriminate against someone who is straight (yes, I know that never happens). This includes using the “logic” of religion: “I can’t make those two gays a wedding cake, because the Bible says baby Jesus will set my dog on my fire if I do.”

Same goes with things like race. It’s just as illegal to discriminate against white people as it is blacks because race is a class; not just a specific skin color.

The difference between this IN law and the other 20 (including the Fed one here) is that the IN law makes no such provision for class. The other laws (which should never have been passed in the first place) prohibit things like Homophobic Wedding Service Vendor Syndrome.

The IN law is basically a giant loophole that allows out-and-out discrimination of technically anyone; but most likely the LGBT crowd, with the ability to hide behind your favorite book of Holy Fables.

Am I getting that right?