
Great Band Flashback: Fountains of Wayne, "Maureen" (Live in Chicago) [VIDEO]

Dangerman12/14/2019 8:49:12 am PST

spiro agnew asserted that a sitting vp/prez couldnt be investigated or indicted while in office (of course that didnt hold)

we’re doing that again - doj memo, all these lawsuits to delay and hide stuff - like sdny
taxes and the other tax cases

and (imo) this is pretty black letter stuff - “shall” means shall. if congress meant to exempt they could have. if congress meant to shield the prez, they could have instead of a doj ‘memo’

and still it’s being re-litigated because trump filed a bunch of suits, stonewalls congress and courts are sloooooow

after the courts rule however they do and hoping it’s in line with the black letter, since trump has proved that timing and delay works, what’s to prevent any/every future prez from re- asking the same question again over and over as trump is doing now.

appeal appeal appeal because it takes so long to get to the point where the final arbiter says ‘no’ or ‘we did this already’ - which they tend not to be doing. the third branch tends to approach each of these cases as ‘legitimate’