
The Fearless Flyers: "Bank Account" (Ft. Louis Cole)

mmmirele12/09/2023 9:43:57 am PST

re: #16 Targetpractice

I have to disagree, if there were no political upside then such laws would not have a snowball’s chance in Hell of ever passing simply because Repubs wouldn’t see the point. So yes, there is a political upside, if only to the sort of soulless monsters who think Ken Paxton some paragon of “LAW & ORDER!!!”.

There are people out there, they call themselves “abolitionists” (which is their way of stealing from the struggle to free the slaves). They want to abolish abortion. And they REALLY DO MEAN IT. So yeah, your ectopic pregnancy? Too bad for you. Your failed miscarriage that left tissue behind that’s turning septic? Too bad, so sad. And I’ve not even touched on the abortions women get that don’t involve serious medical issues. These people don’t want abortions EVER and they will see women and girls dead before giving up on that.

These are the people who are at that church near my house, they are abolitionists. They are *terrifying*.