
Scozzofava Officially Backs Owens

gaw11/02/2009 12:32:29 am PST

re: #123 Bagua

…end of discussion.

With you, the discussion never began.

re: #125 Gus 802

So what you’re saying then is that all Republicans should adhere to one strict set of principles or as I previously stated, a loyalty oath of sorts…

You are putting words in my mouth (or perhaps just restating what you think to be my position to clarify the discussion. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt on that matter.)

I say that there is a certain set of principles that I ascribe to, and that I choose to associate myself with those that freely ascribe to essentially the same set of principles. Those principles have in the past been represented to one degree or another within the repub party, and to the extent they were, it was good for the party and the country. To the extent that the party distances itself from those principles, it does so to its own detriment and the detriment of the nation.

I’ve only just this evening heard of this “Beck Loyalty Oath”, but I would say that the ideals presented within that list would be consistent with my views.