
Tea Party Organizer: 'No Place' for Racist Behavior

Dark_Falcon5/03/2010 1:52:34 pm PDT

re: #111 webevintage

I like reading Ta-Nehisi Coates The Atlantic’s site.
(actually I read everyone there…even Megan)
This post is just spot on about the real concerns people who will be effected by the law have.
It is in response to this post from Frum.

Put differently, it was always a crime to carry an illegal gun in New York, but it was not always a (state) crime in Arizona for legal immigrants to leave their proof of residency at home. Now it is. Moreover, from what I can tell, this actually understates the law. Essentially, Arizona has made it a crime for anyone in the state to not have proof of citizenship on them at all times. Defenders of the law will say that police still have to stop you for something, and they still have to “suspect” that you did something.

Forgive, but I don’t find that comforting. Amadou Diallo is dead because the police “suspected” he was drawing a gun. Oscar Grant is dead because the police “suspected” he needed to be tased. My old friend, Prince Jones, Howard University student and father of a baby girl, was murdered by the police in front of his daughter’s home because police “suspected” he was a drug-dealer. (The cop was not kicked off the force.) Only a year ago, I was stopped in Chelsea, coming from an interview with NPR, because police “suspected” I was the Latino male who’d recently robbed someone.

I’m not inclined to listen to a man who uses that sort of loaded language about a police shooting that did not result in criminal charges.