
Georgia Republican Sponsors Bill to Require Investigating All Miscarriages

researchok2/22/2011 2:32:39 pm PST

re: #82 Lidane

Real liberals don’t either. The Dems are largely a centrist party and the Green Party is full of moonbat loons and total epic fail. If you’re left wing in this country, you really don’t have a party.

Still, I’ll take the Dems over the GOP since they’re not nearly as batshit insane these days.

I’m really ‘classical conservative’ in the way there is ‘classical liberals’.

I’m pro choice and want to create an environment with fewer abortions.

I’m fiscally conservative but I support Obama’s investment in infrastructure (no, that does not include planting flowers along bike paths).

I believe less government is better government but I like effective regulation (regulation without a genesis in class warfare).

I believe in lesser taxes but I also believe in health care reform (that said, insurance reform would have been a better idea in my opinion).

I believe in education and strong schools but I also believe teachers need to be professionals, earn tenure and be required to prove their competency- just like other professionals.

I support charter schools and school choice and school competition. There is a reason so many minority parents are desperate to get their kids into better schools.

I also believe in the individuals right to do as he or she pleases. However, if there is the possibility that I might have to fund the results of stupid behavior, then I I want to tax the hell out that behavior- smoking, drinking, riding a motorcycle without a helmet, etc.

I could go on but you get the point.

Classical conservatives have a lot in common with classical liberals.

A couple of endangered species, to be sure.