
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Stands by Her Fanatical Right Wing 'Pledge'

wrenchwench7/09/2011 5:42:41 pm PDT

Gary Johnson says he shouldn’t have voted for Chuck Baldwin and the Constitution Party in ‘08:

The Republican Party cannot afford to have a Presidential candidate who condones intolerance, bigotry and the denial of liberty to the citizens of this country. If we nominate such a candidate, we will never capture the White House in 2012. If candidates who sign this pledge somehow think they are scoring some points with some core constituency of the Republican Party, they are doing so at the peril of writing off the vast majority of Americans who want no part of this ‘pledge’ and its offensive language.

Or at least that’s what he should have said about ‘08. Instead he’s pretending it didn’t happen, and contradicting himself.