
President Obama on Super PACs: We Will Not Play by Two Sets of Rules

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)2/07/2012 2:05:18 pm PST

re: #129 Rightwingconspirator

Once both sides have at least roughly the same opportunity to produce the propaganda I see no reason to think one side would be much less effective at it.

Where does this belief that when two sides go at something, they’ll both be equally effective? It is so, so rare to find things that are equal out in the world, I really don’t get where this firm belief in magical balance fairyness is coming from.

We’ll have to see how it really shakes out. This is new ground. The best study well be about 2012 in retrospect.

Nope. Propaganda has been around for aeons, and it’s known to be effective. There’s thousands, literally, of scientific studies on it. Citizens united changed things quantitatively, not qualitatively.