
Obama's Support Among Latino Voters: 73%

Testy Toad T10/01/2012 1:43:11 pm PDT

Let’s go ahead and stop taking this ticket seriously, ‘kay?

WALLACE: If, just suppose, that the doubters are right, President Romney takes office and the math doesn’t add up.

RYAN: First of all, we’ve run the numbers, I’ve run them in Congress, they do. We’ve got about five other studies that show that you can do this.

WALLACE: OK, but let’s assume it doesn’t. The question is, what’s more important to Romney? Would he scale back on the 20 percent tax cut for the wealthy? Would he scale back and say, OK, you know, we’re going to have to raise taxes for the middle class? I guess the question is what’s most important to him in his tax reform plan?

RYAN: Keeping tax rates down. By lowering tax rates, people keep more of the next dollar that they earn. That matters. That is incentives. That’s pro-growth policy. That creates 7 million jobs. And what should go first…

WALLACE: So that’s more important than…

RYAN: That’s more important than anything. And more importantly, it’s not what deductions are in the tax code but it’s who gets them.

Low taxes for the wealthy: officially more important than whatever whatever deficit thingbobber.