
Stand by for Last Minute Pre-Debate Fox News Race-Baiting Fake Outrage - Update: Here's the Video

Killgore Trout10/02/2012 3:46:35 pm PDT

re: #103 Charles Johnson

Sun Times has a complete transcript: Sweet Blog Special: Obama Warns of Despair Leading to ‘Quiet Riots’ in Address at a Va. Black U. - Lynn Sweet.

There’s an edit in the video at about 7:00. From your transcript it looks like the removed section begins….

So what’s stopping us? What’s stopping us from taking these bullets out and rebuilding our families, our communities, our nation and our faith in one another? What’s stopping us from seeing the light and the way and the faith that unites us?

Well, I’ve been on a journey trying to get at the truth of that question.

That journey started a long time ago in Hawaii, ….

I don;t see anything outrageous or interesting in the removed sections. Maybe the Rev Wright stuff was taken out after Obama threw him under the bus.