
Video: President Obama Speaks at Unveiling of Rosa Parks Statue

wrenchwench2/27/2013 3:36:53 pm PST

re: #124 Charles Johnson

Yeah, that’s what I thought - that .SWF extension means it’s a file that would normally be loaded and handled by the Adobe Flash Player if it’s installed in your browser. If you’re being asked to download it, that means Flash Player either is not installed or the configuration got hosed somehow, and the only thing the browser can do is ask if you want to download the file instead.

I have an old version of Flash installed because it allows me to see more videos than the new version of Flash would because it’s not compatible with XP. Or at least that’s how I understand it. I tried a bunch of things when this became a problem several months ago, and now I just live with it until I get a replacement ‘puter at the shop. At least I can see vids at home now.