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lawhawk2/05/2014 4:36:42 pm PST

re: #56 Charles Johnson

I can hardly believe these pictures coming out of Sochi of the “hotels.” If this is how they treat a world-class event with huge public attention, imagine how Edward Snowden is living right now.

If that’s what the Russians get for $51 billion, someone’s made off with a few billion dollars (or a whole lot of billions).

Can’t drink the water.
Can’t flush toilet paper down toilets.
Missing shower curtains.
Missing floors.
Missing manhole covers.

Someone’s built themselves something pretty fancy with all the missing items.

But no one will suffer those consequences because they’re all connected to Putin. Those who complain - like the people affected by the Sochi construction - will be ignored (or railroaded - literally).

The games? They better hope that the venues are in better shape than the accommodations, because if they’re of the same standards, it wouldn’t surprise me to see sewer overflows at venues.