
Creationist Neurosurgeon Ben Carson: Legal Abortions Are Exactly Like Human Sacrifice

piratedan7/01/2014 10:00:48 pm PDT

bears repeating… these guys have no interest in the teachings of the guy who is supposed to be the main focal point of their religion… tenets like tolerance, setting an example through deeds, charity to those less fortunate all those concepts don’t get mentioned much by those that publicly profess to be Christians. Instead it’s a constant onslaught of being in the business of thine neighbor, being judgmental, and healthy doses of intolerance and exclusion that mark those that are “proud to be Christian”. What galls me the most is that there really is a a Nixonian “silent majority” that is probably quite offended in the way that their faith is being paraded about for political and “moral” reasons that have yet to make themselves “heard”. I know quite a few folks of faith that just keep quietly to themselves while not being busy building houses for the poor, cleaning up neighborhoods and helping those less fortunate, but it never seems to be those folks that are put in front of the camera.