
Video: Katrina Pierson Face-Plants Majestically on CNN

majii8/13/2016 1:55:58 pm PDT

re: #112 Big Beautiful Door

I would argue that the GOP is a [faux] religious cult.

I think this because I notice how easy it is for them to forget about those Christian values they say they “love” more than anything when it comes to politics. For example, they say they’re the party of God but they accept all of the lies that Trump tells and spend quite a bit of time justifying them, and the adulterous, thrice-married duo of Trump and Gingrich are held in high esteem. Fox News and RW media has done a hatchet job on their brains to the point where they will believe all kinds of BS. They create their own reality, and no matter how many times they’re told the truth, they’ll reject it because they’ve been programmed to not believe anything a “libtard” says.