
An Intense Short Film: Fantastic Negrito -"In the Pines"

ObserverArt7/02/2017 8:19:35 am PDT

Wow…Hugh Hewitt said up to this point there hasn’t been any proof of collusion, but the Flynn updated story that broke this week is “smoke” and the first hint of a connection.

I hate Hewitt but that had to hurt for him to say that on Meet The Chuck. He also said now that the Flynn connection is coming clearer Trump can not fire Mueller or do anything that impedes the investigations or it will get really bad for Trump.

Hmmm. That probably means Mueller will be fired next week. Trump never does what he should do and he never takes advice from lesser people.

Who are the lesser people? Everyone! Trump is the Greatest Smartest President ever, he is not going to listen to anyone.