
The First LGF Obama-Jindal Poll

Wendya2/24/2009 11:27:02 pm PST

re: #128 freetoken

From the bill:

While it would not have been my priority to see such a thing put into a “stimulus” bill, yes, that amount of money will employ some people (@$100,000/staff yr it would come to 1400 staff years.)

I guess my point is this… why did Jindal, already under the gun for his anti-modern views (at least wrt science), decide to pick on what many people would otherwise consider a worthy government (scientific) effort?

Oh, goody… more government workers. Just what we need at the expense of the private sector.

As for the anti-science charges, how many people realize that stupid “academic freedom” crap passed on a 94-3 vote in the house and a 35-0 vote in the Senate? Jindal probably should have vetoed it but the legislature would have immediately overruled him and that would put him in a weakened position. This is politics, remember? We have people here claiming he’s an ignorant backwater YEC, a claim for which I can find no supporting evidence. Perhaps people from other parts of the country don’t understand he is a Southern Governor. That’s a whole different animal and you do NOT get to win as a republican by telling people who don’t understand the theory of evolution that theyr’e stupid, backward hicks. That’s the reality he operates under.