
'Nirth Certifikit' Kooks Get a Write-Up at Politico

eon3/01/2009 4:13:39 pm PST

re: #110 midwestgak

How much snow has be forecast for your area?

re: #111 Nevergiveup

6-12 inches or more

In a related story, NASA climate guru James Hansen will be in Washington this week calling for “civil disobedience” to force the U.S. to “stop Anthropogenic Global Warming”. Including a rally around a new power plant he wants to stop from going online. (Fox News had the story, but their link won’t work now.)

Local weather forecasts in D.C. call for 3-5” of snow and wind chills in the single digits on the day of the rally.

/Gee, I guess it must be working, huh?

