
From Fish to Football

twincitiesgirl3/12/2009 7:33:42 pm PDT

re: #126 Naso Tang

There was a study recently (to the extent that one can believe “studies”) that concluded that people that had bumper stickers (of any sort) were far more likely to be express road rage behavior than those who did not.

In any case, I believe it enough to try not to piss off some drivers, on that basis alone.

Agreed, I’ve never used them for the same reason you give. It’s interesting to know about the road rage connection. I have my own recent freaky experiences with this, just prior to the election. On two separate occasions elderly women who looked at least 90 were driving so fast, weaving in and out of traffic that I quickly got out of their way. They both were supporting Obama stickers and driving Volvo’s. True story!