
HuffPo: Crazy About Health

Cato the Elder7/29/2009 8:39:09 pm PDT

Chiropractic: bogus and dangerous

Homeopathy: bogus and useless

Acupuncture: definitely useful for some pain management purposes (I know a pain specialist who uses it as adjunctive therapy all the time) and possibly for quelling addiction cravings, but don’t let anyone tell you it can cure your skin problem, depression, or your dog’s constipation. I wasted a good deal of money on it at one time for a condition the practitioner had no business trying to treat. When I began to question the efficacy, she dropped me like a smelly date.

Massage therapy: relaxing and refreshing, completely harmless, and curative in the sense that all good treatment is. It may take you a while to find the right masseur/masseuse. Good for animals, too. Nothing magical about it and you shouldn’t pay more than 60/hour max.

Meditation: go for it.

Anything with energy fields, orgone, pyramids, or crystals: criminally bogus, but if you’re obtuse enough to buy into that stuff, you deserve to be robbed.