
Video: Palin Booed in Indiana

webevintage11/20/2009 3:54:54 pm PST

re: #106 jonik

Are you kidding me? The left acts like its terrified of her. Who else is getting this much attention. Seriously the left has substituted Sarah Palin for George Bush in their daily rants. Just watch MSNBC for 10 minutes. Every show, and I mean every show starts off with Sarah Palin news. The left is sh*tting their pants thinking Sarah Palin may get the nomination. I don’t think she should; I wouldn’t vote for her, but the left is terrified of her; watch the news and listen to the talking heads.

Palin is all over the news because…Palin is all over the news.
Every time you turn around she is “writing” something on Facebook, or being a “KingMaker” or showing up on Oprah.
The left is not, I repeat not terrified of her.
We can only pray that she will run for President.
We don’t dislike her because she is a mom of 5 kids or has a child with down’s syndrome or a Christian or pretty or any of the silly reasons given for half of the countries dislike of the woman.
There are more then enough realistic reasons to find her distasteful without making things up.