
Comedy Central Backs Down After Islamic Group's Threats Over 'South Park'

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce4/22/2010 3:06:35 pm PDT

re: #15 eastsider

“Either all of its okay, or none of it is”

-South Park

South Park has been allowed to show some pretty ridiculous things, including Jesus Christ defecating on an American flag.

And the point of that joke was lost on almost everyone, it seems. It aired right about the time of the first Mohammed cartoon controversy. In the context of the episode, it was Osama (maybe al Zawahiri, can’t recall at the moment) making his own cartoon attempting to enrage American Christians and throw them into chaos and turmoil as they freaked out over the desecration of sacred imagery. The point was to illustrate the major difference between us and them, in that we don’t take to the street en masse, start riots, and threaten to kill people over dumb-ass cartoons.