
Just When You Thought Sharron Angle Was Gone (or, The Return of the Loon)

Usually refered to as anyways12/13/2010 3:48:33 pm PST

‘Raging centre’ courts US voters

Powerful voices in the United States have combined to launch a new moderate political movement aimed at curbing the partisan nature of politics.

Calling itself No Labels, the movement is a coalition of moderate politicians and activists who want to reward political figures who are willing to compromise.

No Labels hopes to tap into voter disenchantment with political extremism and says it will score politicians’ performances based on their civility and ability to reach beyond the Democrat and Republican party machines.

Seen by some as an antidote to the grassroots conservative Tea Party movement, No Labels has endorsements from both sides of politics, with figures like New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and retiring Democrat senator Evan Bayh offering their support.

More at link.