
Hope, Change, and the Egg of Power

FurryOldGuyJeans1/27/2009 10:07:58 pm PST

re: #1291 avanti

He’s steeped in a lot, from Mao to Lincoln, he’s read from Atlas Shrugged to the Little Red book. So no, it does not bother me that he was intellectually curious. In his books he talks about his far left college years, what he learned and what he discarded. BTW, even if he was a Commie, which I dispute, he’ll be restrained by Congress and the courts before he takes you house, guns and faith.

From the thrust of his policies and stated objective there is nothing but full-press Socialism intended. And so far the Congress has shown few signs of restraining any policy objectives the man wants.

But you won’t deign to even look at the links people give you to read so you can remain comfortably intellectually incurious.