
Journey Into Mystery #117 (June 1965): Thor Goes to Vietnam

lawhawk1/17/2014 6:11:55 am PST

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. Greenwald’s dudebros and the master Dude himself are busy crowing about how the President has bowed to their collective will and is moving to eliminate collecting metadata.

Ummm… okay.

Sounds great in theory, up until the next terror attack is shown to be preventable had the NSA been able to use its metadata collection techniques to connect the dots (the reason that the NSA was involved in this in the first place).

Then, there’s hysteria about how the NSA is collecting hundreds of millions of text messages worldwide daily.

Note that word - worldwide. Not US citizens. Worldwide. They’re targeting people who aren’t Americans. Overseas. In other words, nothing illegal about any of this. Moreover, in the context of the British spying on their own using NSA data, they’re required to obtain warrants to access the information.

Meanwhile, it looks like it was Russian hackers who were behind the Target data breach, and they managed to penetrate Target computer systems and then placed the malicious code on the POS machines throughout the company’s stores and then were able to recover the customer data (CC/DC, PINs, etc.) at their leisure.