
Mike Huckabee Says Women Use Birth Control Because They "Cannot Control Their Libido"

goddamnedfrank1/23/2014 12:48:56 pm PST
Huckabee said Democrats rely on women believing they are weaker than men and in need of government handouts, including the contraception mandate in Obamacare.

The contraception mandate is in Obamacare because it makes actuarial sense for it to be. Regardless of whether the insuree is poor and most of their coverage is paid for in subsidies or if they’re wealthy and pay for it all themselves the best deal from all parties financial perspective is for the plan to cover contraceptives.

At first not covering contraceptives might strike one as more expensive, if they’re an idiot or haven’t spent one second thinking about the attendant consequences of making such coverage more difficult for people to get. However in the real world not only is pregnancy very risky and expensive, but contraceptives are prophylactic against more than just pregnancy. BC pills help control chronic and debilitating conditions like endometriosis and ovarian tumors, preventing a crisis down the road that can lead to total hysterectomies and cancers.