
Minnesota Police Tase and Arrest Black Man for Sitting in a Public Space

Nerdy Fish8/28/2014 11:27:35 am PDT

re: #131 alpuz

Welp. Yeah, I’m with ya on this one. It’s too bad since I’ve been looking at moving there if & when I escape from Wisconsin. In fact, from what I’ve been reading/hearing you guys are most likely going to see an invasion of cheeseheads over the next few years.

Anyhow. Race relations in MN are a drastic contrast(much better) to what I’ve witnessed while living in both Texas and Wisconsin. I know in the context of the convo/situation that doesn’t really mean squat, but hey… I thought I’d throw it out there.

‘Minnesota nice’ is a lot more pleasant than ‘Texas nice’ in my opinion.

Minnesota isn’t a bad place, really. It’s just not as good as my rose-colored glasses led me to believe. Damn you all for breaking them.////