
Video: CBS Staffers and Former Correspondents Strongly Contradict O'Reilly's "War Zone" Claims

CuriousLurker2/22/2015 4:21:09 pm PST

re: #126 #FergusonFireside

It’s Curious, yes. And it serves you well mostly.

But negative comments on a Malcolm X subject? Ah hell no.

But again, you have way more info at your fingertips than I. Because of your curiosity.

I always read the negative reviews on books that involve Islam, Judaism, politics, history, etc. You often learn more about the books from the negative reactions than from the positive ones.

For other stuff, like electronics or software or whatever, I usually go elsewhere for reviews and don’t pay much attention to the ones at Amazon because some of them are so stupid it sets my hair on fire, heh.