
Video: Sen. Elizabeth Warren's Powerful Statement Supporting Planned Parenthood

klys (maker of Silmarils)8/04/2015 2:31:12 pm PDT

I’ve been following the Rocky Fire in CA as it is threatening one of my favorite places (Wilbur Hot Springs) and stumbled on this news article. I thought several Lizards might get a kick out of it.

When a mountain biker riding through the foothills of Boise, Idaho had to use the bathroom, there wasn’t one nearby. So his solution was to go down to a ravine and take care of business there.

The consequences ended up being pretty dramatic.

The Idaho Bureau of Land Management spokeswoman Carrie Bilbao told CBS News the cyclist was responsible for the fire that burned 73 acres of brush and grass in the foothills when he set his toilet paper on fire to try and dispose of it. When a spark got away, he tried to thump it out, but it was too late.