
Watch Live: Hillary, Bill and Chelsea Clinton's Midnight Rally in Raleigh NC

Targetpractice11/07/2016 11:46:56 pm PST

re: #129 freetoken

The world is fine.

On Tuesday I expect the fat lady Chris Christie to sing rather early in the evening.

Indeed, I have some errands planned tomorrow afternoon after I vote, and the early results from the east coast states may have already decided the election before I get home.

That’s what makes my schedule for this week so awesome. By the time I get off at 7EST, the polls will have been open for an hour so I should be able to stop on the way home and get my vote out of the way. Then I can go home, grab a few hours of sleep, and be awake in time for the first returns to start trickling in. Personally, I expect it all to be over way before midnight, when they call either NC, FL, or OH for Hillary.