
Trump's Muslim Ban Shut Down Again by the 9th Circuit Court

Nerdy Fish6/12/2017 1:07:46 pm PDT

re: #130 Khal Wimpo (wounded at Bowling Green)

Good friend of mine was one of the produces of Battlestar. They didn’t really expect it to take off after the 1st season, so they pretty much wrote themselves into a corner.

The show was elevated by the amazing performances by the character actors-turned-leads, who brought more to the roles than there was on the page. By the end of Season 2, however, the show was really finding its legs. They had no idea where to take it, though, which explains the lame final episode, based upon one writer’s fondness for “Wings of Desire.”

Lesson for the writers out there: Write more story than you need, just in case it works.