
Seth Meyers: Republicans Don't Know What's in Their Own Health Care Bill

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/22/2017 6:50:57 am PDT

The wingnut that goes by the name of Baked Alaska (Tim Gionet) claims his bodyguard is in hospital after being shanked by a whole bunch (two) anti-white, anti-Trump Armenians. He is claiming a hate crime, which apparently the LAPD aren’t buying. He is apparently all over Twitter spinning up his tale of Armenian hate-crimers.

The LAPD arrested the two men and are holding them on charges of attempted murder.

SMOTI jumped on the story about “Armenian gang members” but deleted that part (not before a screen grab was taken, and its still in the URL).

Wonkette has all the details of the stabbing with appropriate shots from Twitter.

Expect the wingnutosphere to explode.