
Just Another Insanely Great Orchestral Jam at Some Guy's House: Louis Cole, "F It Up"

Targetpractice11/01/2018 4:47:41 am PDT

re: #131 MsJ

That’s a little revisionist. Several Dems were calling for him to resign. Loudly. I think Franken did what he did because he felt that was best at the moment.

I also think the Dems calling on him to resign without an investigation were wrong and we’re more worried about it playing a role in the midterms.

We were very worried about it playing a role in the midterms. By “we,” I mean people who couldn’t see past the Alabama special election and worried that if Franken wasn’t tossed, then Doug Jones would lose and Roy Moore would be elected on a “both sides” argument.

The fact that it helped wipe out one of the leading contenders for the 2020 nomination surely had nothing to do with his colleague’s decision to throw his ass under the bus.