
Seth Meyers: Prosecutors Say Donald Trump Committed a Crime [VIDEO]

Yeah Sure WhatEVs12/11/2018 5:05:43 am PST

re: #69 austin_blue

So Beto made the front page of the NYT today as a “wild card” for 2020.

I’m a Texan. I gave Beto money this year. He’s a hell of a candidate. If you hear him stump, you’re like, “Hell, yeah!”.

He says all the right things. He supports all the right things. He says them the right way in both English and Texican. He was the ultimate anti-Cruz. Yeah, yeah, he got as close as any Democrat has in a state-wide election in over twenty years, but…

I love the guy. I just can’t imagine him having any legs in 2020. Just my opinion, I wish it wasn’t so. He was a House Rep from fucking El Paso, a dark corner of the US that no-one gives a flying fuck about. It might as well not be in ‘Murica at all.

I would lay odds that the exact same thing was said about Obama at several points in his career.

Just sayin’.