
Anna Meredith: "Something Helpful"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/07/2022 3:58:34 am PDT

My wife suggested buying a Mustang convertible in mid-life crisis red, but we really don’t have the money for that. I countered with a Mercedes C-series convertible.

I think she’s looking at a Chevy Spark.

In the meantime, the tow truck will be here in a few hours to take my car to the auto-doc to see if the patient can be saved. Maxwell needs the prayer warriors activated so they can pray for the supply chain to come through with parts, and to restore the car to good health. Maybe I should set up a GoGriftMe account to show the sad state of the patient with photographs and a sad story about an evil Democratic demon elk unleashed on Maxwell from Chyna.