
Marcus King, Solo: "Bipolar Love" (The Shangri-La Sessions)

Targetpractice6/22/2024 3:46:28 am PDT

re: #123 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Case filed in the United States Court for the District of Vermont by two couples, alleging religious discrimination by the state. They are being defended by the Christian hate group Alliance Defending Freedom.

Vermont updated their foster care laws to require foster parents must be supportive of LGBTQ+ children.

They’ve been foster care families before, but with the update they feel the state is discriminating against them for their religion.

Federal Lawsuit filing (PDF, forty-six pages)

One couple said in the complaint they would not allow a girl to cut her hair the way she liked because it goes against their religion.

They also claim they’re being discriminated against because they can’t talk about their religion [proselytise] around the dinner table to children placed in their care.

[TL;DR, they want to be bigots]

They’re treating fostering as a form of recruitment, that any kids they take into their homes are theirs to mold in dutiful little “Christian Soldiers.” So of course they see it as a form of “discrimination” that the state steps in and tells them they can’t do that.