
Stephen Hawking Expected to Recover Fully

That's Mr. President to you4/21/2009 11:09:16 am PDT

Well I have been patiently reading this thread.

Like so many here and around the world, I am very glad to hear the Dr. Hawking is expected to make a full recovery.

That said, I feel the need to express a vital concern.

Where is Avanti? We are almost at comment 100 and he hasn’t hijacked the thread to talk about how wonderful I am.

Instead, everyone is talking about Dr. Hawking. What has he done? OK - he has solved some math problems and thought up some wild ideas about how things should work. But aside from the math, that could describe me.

And has he ever been President of the Harvard Law Review? Has he ever been a Senator? And have you ever seen him at a press conference? It takes him forever to answer a question.

So let’s talk about me and how wonderful I am. OK?