
Brits Foil Far Right Plot to Bomb Mosques

Sharmuta7/07/2009 10:48:58 am PDT

re: #92 tster

That doesn’t prove the point that “Nazi/Neo-Nazi = far-right” as the article seems to imply.

This article would be much more accurate (correct too) if you replaced every instance of “far-right” with “Neo-Nazi.”

Please- by all means- tell me where nationalism falls on the far left. Which ideology allows for private property- communism or fascism?

Just because all you see is fascists using the strong arm of government like the left wants to do, doesn’t mean they are both of the left. You are looking at the surface similarities. There’s more to it than that. If you really want to understand- that’s great. Start by putting down the copy of Fascism for Dummies, and read some real political science.