
Obama's Deal with Big Pharm

eon8/13/2009 2:37:01 pm PDT

re: #91 Charles

Notice that a major substantive negative report on the health care bill, with evidence, comes from the left.

The right is too busy ranting about euthanasia.

True, Sir. Over at Salon, Robert Reich was raking the President over the coals for this on Monday, and Camille Paglia was taking him to task for ObamaCare in general, which she considers too big, too complex, too intrusive, and ultimately too much like other foreign nations’ national health care systems which have already failed miserably.

She still supports his “enlightened” foreign policy, of course (she said so in the article), but it’s at least good to see some traces of reality setting in over at We’re Smarter Than Everyone Else, Ltd.

