
Not a Good Day for the GOP

ronnie10/20/2009 5:18:10 pm PDT

re: #130 wozzablog

True - but that should sadden the GOP even more, because if they decided to move to the center (instead of the right) they could DEFINITELY win the next election… it is winnable. But if they make the wrong choice, they will hand it over to Mr.O. on a silver platter…

They need to find anyone… I wanted Giuliani to be on the ticket, but realize that is unfortunately impossible, given the current direction the wind is blowing there. Remember even McCain’s daughter went on Fox to say that guys like Limbaugh, Buchanan et al do not speak for the GOP. More voices like that are needed from more senior GOP members. And they better find someone with one ounce of CHARISMA otherwise they are doomed…