
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

jayzee1/05/2010 6:59:06 pm PST

re: #111 windsagio

All is a funny word, and has no place here. Pretty dishonest to put in actually.

But yes, many of the attacks against Halliburton are okay. And many think its a shame that the Obama administration isn’t doing more to go after their abuses.

OK we can go with most, or many-you believe many of the conspiracy theories about Halliburton and Cheney. How’s this as a logical fallacy for you?

I see many fellow conservatives here condemning atrocious behavior whether it be on the left, or the right. While my left leaning friends seem to still justify it on their part, condemning it only when done by an adversary.