
Report: Pakistani Arrested in Times Square Attack

ausador5/03/2010 11:00:39 pm PDT

re: #74 Cato the Elder

It doesn’t sound hubristic, it sounds naive and simple-minded.

If we had another successful terrorist attack here, asking people not to make a big deal out of it would be like asking the shrimp fishermen in the Gulf to just shrug off the oil spill and get on with their lives.

If we had a major successful terrorist attack here and it came from Pakistan, I would not be opposed to joining India in all-out war on that nearly failed state.

You really do live in a world of unicorns, don’t you?

Ignore the 800lb Gorilla in the room again…

So…uhh…China is going to stand by and watch India absorb Pakistan? Really? You don’t think they might be tempted to, you know, interfere maybe? Not even to mention Iran that everyone sees as some kind of middle east Bogey man but has shit for a military besides human wave attacks by religious fanatics.

It would definitely not be in China’s best interest (nor Irans) to allow India to expand, and I imagine a lot of the rest of the U.N. would be against it also, Turkey would shit it’s pants because they would possibly be next in that case.

Dream on Cato, but the world just isn’t quite as simple as when you a youngster playing and spending time with Julias before he became the great conquerer.