
Overnight Video: Dancing Pigeons, Ritalin

Walter L. Newton7/28/2010 9:20:31 am PDT

re: #122

I know.

Mark my words - in six months time, Anderson Cooper will do a follow-up and he will be surprised at the lack of long-term effects from this.

I am not in any way being dismissive of the horror of this oil spill; 11 people died, and the lives of countless others have been disrupted. It did not have to happen; it happened because BP ignored warning signs, and chose to try the stupidest thing evah when they displaced heavy mud keeping the oil at bay, with seawater which allowed everything to spew.

The BOP is a secondary issue, really. The main issue was BP’s operating decisions. The BOP would never have come into play if BP had made correct decisions to begin with.

Agreed. What happened was horrible, and there is a lot to consider in regards to responsibility and how to try to prevent future tragedies like this.

But, on the flip side, it’s very interesting when science is supportive of agendas, the media is all over it. But the same sort of good solid science is ignored as soon as it may possibly rock the agenda boat.

That’s what happened here. The media was all over this like ants on molasses, and so were scientists, and there were numerous early reports that examined the possibilities from one spectrum to the other.

But all we got from the mainstream media, and the politicians -who tried to boost their agendas on this horse, all we got was the downside, the radical enviro screamers… and as soon as science took over, and the impact was fortunately less than expected by some people, the media high-tailed it out of their… leaving the gulf once again to it’s self, with no real concern about the results.

The media and agenda driven people are only concerned with the citizenry when the pictures suit their purpose. As soon as the story can’t sell, or the agenda can’t be advanced… poof!