
Gallup: GOP Appears Poised to Win Big

joest7311/01/2010 11:57:06 am PDT

Sometimes you read something that makes you think about reconsidering your political viewpointsā€¦.

Itā€™s a sad, sad day in Pittsburghā€¦
Yesterday a Pittsburgher named Aimee, a wife and mother of two young boys, died after having a stroke. Iā€™d guess she was my age, somewhere in her 30s. Itā€™s unfair and awful and Iā€™m having a hard time making any sense of it whatsoever.

I met Aimee once, at a yoga class. She and I both volunteered to help out with yoga for first graders at Kateā€™s school. Her son was in Kateā€™s class.

After my kids died and I started my blog Aimee became a regular reader and commented often. Sometimes she would share stories her son would tell about Kate. Other times sheā€™d offer words of support and encouragement, or tell me how much my journey had impacted her role as a mother. Her words, as do all of the comments on my blog, mean so much to me. I wish I could have done something to help her.

Yesterday, after Iā€™d learned she was in the hospital on life-support, I started reading through her comments. I clicked on her blogger profile link, to learn a little more about her, and saw that she started her own blog. The last post is titled, ā€œI hope I donā€™t die waiting for health-care reform to happenā€. Please take a moment to read it. She did die. And she didnā€™t have health insurance. And now her two boys are gonna grow up without their Mama.

Please, please pray for her sons and their dad. Please send them all the love you can. If there is anything else that can be done to help, I will let you know. I know her family has to raise money to pay her hospital bills. Thatā€™s a real kick in the face.

There is one other thing you can do. You can vote tomorrow. Health care reform is one of the hot issues in this election and the only way to make a difference is to vote. Please vote and please remember Aimee.