
Egypt Updates: February 10, 2011

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/10/2011 10:48:45 am PST

re: #126 Jadespring

I completely agree with you about the difference in tactics. Beyond tactics though I do think it’s a fair comparison. The underlying goal a theocratic governance system is comparable. The ‘agenda’ is comparable. Here it’s just being done or strived for within the accepted non-violent methods that make up our democratic system. What we should hope for in terms of democracies in the Islamic world is that there is enough ‘will’ and political force for those of the theocratic bent to keep there participation within these non-violent and more democratic ways of functioning. Like here. The Islamist factor is not going to go away any time soon, just like the Christianist factor has yet (if it will ever completely) to disappear completely in the West and particularly in the US right now. That’s why my comments were talking about how much power and influence is at play in the Egyptian context not about their particular underlying agenda.

Heck even the whole destruction of Isreal is comparable is you’re talking about dominionist type believers. For different reasons of course but it’s there none the less. Dominionist types just don’t make it politically public or part of the public record because they know it won’t serve them in any practical capacity. Get down to it though and these types of Christian believers not only subscribe to the eventual destruction of Isreal as a necessity but also the broad sweeping conversion of Jews. Nasty stuff really and it’s not surprising it doesn’t get talked about much in it’s most blatant terms but it simmers in the background.

Well written. But then again, I surely hope you have no reason to doubt my views of Dominionists and the far right in America. I have been the one writing here thee longest that they are a nascent Nazi movement in a real no Godwin way.