
Right Wing Xenophobia Goes Wild in Alabama

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin6/09/2011 12:04:03 pm PDT

re: #126 LudwigVanQuixote

And this is where I will sign off for a bit and go into the real world for a while.

There is a deep seated and violent history of racism in the American South that still plays out today.

What American does not know this?

Only a moron denies this.

I am disgusted. by all of those posters here who wanted to make this a little tribal personal thing. Truth is more important.

That people would rather play web politics than acknowledge basic truths is repulsive.

To those who stayed out… let me ask, is being web popular more important than truth?

Do you prefer being “popular” on the web to the extent that you deny history, ironically on a thread bashing people who deny and re-write history.

Does that irony even penetrate?

Lot of cowards here. You disgust me.

Who here has denied or rewritten history?