
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Stands by Her Fanatical Right Wing 'Pledge'

theheat7/09/2011 5:43:50 pm PDT

So, about this Reverend Wright fellow. If I recall, wasn’t he some kind of extremist Obama listened to for 20 years that turned him into an America hating not-true-Christian Kenyan Muslim communist - wasn’t that the buzz? Because imposing a theocracy and mainstreaming hate and scientific ignorance and simple carbohydrates and ensuring our next generation is illiterate is so goddamned American, correct?

Every time a wingnut even brings that up, all I need to do is point to the magical magnetic wingnut poles of our 6,000 year old earth and tell them STFU. Don’t want to hear it anymore.

The entire party is on its knees sucking far right dick ‘til its dry. And that dick be crazy.