
Why Do the Media Ignore the GOP's Problems with Science?

Kragar10/19/2011 12:07:49 pm PDT

Cain says banks foreclosing on homes because of the threat of Obamacare, need to get the Government off the bank’s back

the best way to address the foreclosure crisis is to “remove the barriers that are keeping [banks] from doing business the way they would want to”:

CAIN: I know people don’t like this, but no. Because then you distort the free market system. Here’s how you encourage banks: Remove the barriers that are keeping them from doing business the way that they would want to. Most banks would want to renegotiate with people on their mortgages, but I’m telling you there are restrictions that are more government driven that are keeping them — I’ve had bankers tell me this. They didn’t give me a list of all the things that, you know, could be done. They want to help people, they really do. But it is the threat of government regulations, it is the threat of the Dodd-Frank bill and rolling it out. Some of it is the threat of the whole Obamacare thing.

Newsflash: Letting the banks do business they way they wanted to is why we have a fucking housing crisis in the first place.

P.S.: Healthcare plans don’t make banks foreclose on people.